On this web site, you will find a rating of all facilities used by divers traveling around (like diving centers, hotels, cruise boats). But you also will find an origal rating of the diving sites themselves, which will allow you to select the sites you want to dive on - an option that is often proposed by diving centers nowadays.
Keep in mind that, like every rating, this one is rather subjective, and especially for diving sites, many factors can change the way the dive is made and enjoyed (visibility, current, number of divers underwater, pelagics).
However, we are perhaps the only web site offering an evaluation of hundreds of diving sites which was made by the same 3-4 divers, and we believe that this is an invaluable tool to plan your next diving trips!
Facilities (diving centers, hotels, cruise boats, ...) are rated with the following scale :

Great facility


Average value

Low value
Diving sites are rated with the following scale (half-points possible) :

One of the best diving site in the world

Great diving site

Recommended dive

Average dive

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