


Safaga (also known as Bur Safaga and Port Safaga) is located 53 km south of Hurghada. What was a small fishing and mining town (phosphate was exploited there) became a tourist town famous for scuba divers and windsurfers. Still, Safaga has an unpolluted atmosphere, black sand-dunes and mineral springs making it one of the nicest towns along the Red Sea. It is also a good base for a day trip exploration of the Eastern Desert or of Luxor, one of the most impressive sights of Egypt, only 220 km away.

One of the only disadvantage of this destination is that most diving sites are 60-90 minutes by boat from the town itself.

Travel facts


best period
acceptable period
not recommend
air temperature
water temperature

Diving type

easily accessible
easily accessible
bargain destination
bargain destination
Diving level & type
for beginners
for beginners
for advanced divers
for advanced divers
shore diving
shore diving
Diving Characteristics
lots of fish
lots of fish
lots of corals
lots of corals
interesting underwater scenery
interesting underwater scenery
Other activities
attractive natural spots
attractive natural spots
night life
night life



Diving Sites

  • rating : 3.0
    Middle Reef West
    rating : 3.0
    depth : ---
    description :
    Drift dive in a weak current, on a gentle slope covered with reef. Beautiful corals, especially the hard ones. Divers will feel in a garden during this dive! One turtle, two stingrays and lots of reef fish.

  • rating : 3.0
    Panorama Reef North
    rating : 3.0
    depth : ---
    description :
    Interesting coral around a depth of 25 meters, a huge napoleon, a turtle, two rays and a stonefish. This dive is carried out as a drift dive, as the current is strong; but the dive remains relatively easy.

  • rating : 3.0
    Panorama Reef South
    rating : 3.0
    depth : ---
    description :
    Steep slope to 80 meters, although not a vertical wall. Beautiful coral, a napoleon, a stingray, a school of trumpetfish. Nice dive... especially in comparison with the others.

  • rating : 2.0
    Gamul Kebir Nord
    rating : 2.0
    depth : ---
    description :
    Several large potatoes on a sandy bottom. A moray eel, a large grouper, a small napoleon, a devilfish.

  • rating : 2.0
    Middle Reef East
    rating : 2.0
    depth : ---
    description :
    Drift dive in a slightly stronger current than on the Middle Reef West dive site. Very nice coral, even if there was a lot of dead coral at the end of the dive. Two napoleons (of a relatively small size).

  • rating : 2.0
    Tobia Aarba
    rating : 2.0
    depth : ---
    description :
    Several large potatoes on a bottom of 15-20 meters. No need to descend too deep, as most of the fish stayed on top of the coral. Fairly interesting relief.

  • rating : 2.0
    Tobia Hamra
    rating : 2.0
    depth : 10 m
    description :
    Sandy bottom down to 15 meters, followed by a very gentle sloping going deeper. The most interesting area for this dive is at around 10 meters. Some interesting coral potatoes, but relatively few fish. A few diodon, trumpetfish, stingrays and a stonefish. Although a certain variety of fish can be seen, the site is not that interesting.

  • rating : 1.0
    Ras Abu Soma Garden
    rating : 1.0
    depth : ---
    description :
    A large moray eel swimming at the top, a few small schools of small fish... but of very little interest overall!

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