Bistro 1 & Bistro 2
[Pacific Harbour]
rating : 4.0
type of diving : feeding
depth : 30 m
description :
Bistro 1 and Bistro 2 are two shark feeding diving sites located at dephts of 30 m and 20 m, respectively. Around fifteen sharks, most of them bull sharks, some of them very large (around 3.5 metres), formed a broom in the area where large chunks of fish were being distributed. Some approach from behind, close to where we are standing. Two divemasters armed with metal bars are ready to chase them away. A few metres higher up, a cloud of damselflies takes advantage of the rush.
Carpet Cove
rating : 3.5
type of diving : wreck
depth : 30 m
description :
Seven pinnacles separated by wide sandy passages ranging from 5 to 20 metres. The pinnacles are covered in hard and soft corals and are home to an intense reef fauna. On one of the sandy passages lies a wreck; a Japanese fishing boat sunk some twenty years ago, approximately 30 metres long, which lies at 20 metres and up to 32 metres.
description :
On a sandy slope starting at 15 metres, there are a multitude of spuds and rocks, often massive, exceeding 10 metres. Very rich in fish and coral.
description :
A cone-shaped pinnacle at a depth of 3 metres descends to a sandy bottom at 19 metres.
Pristine Reef
rating : 3.0
description :
A mushroom-shaped pinnacle submerged at 3 metres and extending to 18 metres. It takes 15 minutes to walk around it. The upper part, from 3 to 8 metres, is rich in coral, and as well as the usual reef fauna, we were able to admire schools of damselflies, luthians, butterflies and surgeonfishes.
description :
The dive starts at 16 metres on a bottom covered in dead coral. You move upwards between the spuds and rocky masses. From 10 metres up to the last plateau at 3 metres, the corals form real tables where there is a good concentration of reef fish. We saw: 2 remora.
description :
At the end of the lagoon, on a sandy bottom, six pinnacles rise from 19 to 3 metres. Each is richly endowed with multicoloured coral. There are several spectacular passages between the pinnacles, some of which are lined with large gorgonians. Not much fish at the bottom, but much better from 7 metres. We saw 2 white-tip sharks.
Sea Fun Coral
rating : 3.0
description :
Continuing from Side Street, on the same reef, half a dozen pinnacles richly endowed with gorgonians, some of which have small caves that shelter a multitude of juveniles. Sometimes the pinnacles are so close together that the gorgonians form a barrier that can be avoided by passing very close to the ground. The fauna is more present from 8 to 3 metres. We saw a white-tip shark.
Lobster's Reef
rating : 2.0
description :
A succession of rocky masses ranging from 4 to a maximum of 15 metres. The seabed consists of a carpet of dead coral on top of which rise sponges, some ten metres apart. Each one is home to a few juveniles. The interesting part is on the plateau where the dive began. We had to stay between 4 and 8 metres to discover an abundance and variety of fauna, as well as schools of surgeons, butterflies and other soldiers. Large numbers of parrotfish, anemones and clownfish. The hard corals form tables of 2 to 6 square metres in places. No lobster, however!
description :
A pinnacle at a depth of 3 meters, in the shape of a cone leading to a sandy bottom at 19 meters. The dive consists of circling around it several times, starting at the bottom and gradually working your way up to the top. The lower part is of little interest, with few corals and little fish. On the other hand, between 7 and 3 meters, the dive proves pleasant, with an abundance of multicolored flora and fauna.
description :
A succession of rocky masses from 4 to a maximum of 15 meters. The seabed consists of a carpet of dead coral on top of which rises a series of potatoes, some ten meters apart. Each is home to a few juveniles. The most interesting part of the dive is on the plateau where the dive began. We had to stay between 4 and 8 meters to discover an abundance and variety of fauna, including schools of surgeons, butterflies and other soldiers. Large numbers of parrotfish, anemones and clownfish. Hard corals forming tables 2 to 6 meters high in places. Not a single lobster, however!
description :
Seven pinnacles separated by wide sandy passages ranging from 5 to 20 meters. The pinnacles are covered with hard and soft corals and are home to an large reef fauna. On one of the sandy passages rests a wreck: a Japanese fishing boat sunk some twenty years ago, some 30 meters long, lying from 20 meters to 32 meters. We saw: a large grey shark, 2 turtles and a large school of jacks.
description :
A mushroom-shaped rocky peak immersed at 3 meters and extending to 18 meters. It takes 15 minutes to walk around it. The upper part, from 3 to 8 meters, is rich in coral. The usual reef fauna can be found here, with schools of damselfish, lutjans, butterflies and surgeonfish.
description :
On a sandy slope starting at 15 meters, we find a multitude of spuds and rocks, often massive, exceeding 10 meters. Lots of fish and coral. We saw: a white-tip shark, a leaf fish, a stingray, a huge diodon, 2 harlequin pipefish and numerous nudibranchs.
description :
The dive starts at 16 meters on a bottom covered with dead coral. We move upwards between potatoes and rocky masses. From 10 meters up to the last plateau at 3 meters, the corals form real tables where a fine concentration of reef fish can be seen. We saw: 2 remora.
description :
We descend along a rope to 28 meters. The first thing we saw was a concentration of large specimens: tuna, jacks and an exceptionally large grouper, weighing in at over 300 kilos. This fauna was ready for the feast organized by Beqa Adventure Divers. It took just two or three minutes to spot the first white-tip shark, quickly followed by a host of other sharks, including imposing grey sharks. An iron-mesh-gloved hand dropped the pieces of fish just a few centimetres from the mouths of these monsters. There were soon fifteen or so of them taking part in the slaughter, sometimes coming very close to the divers; protected by divemasters armed with iron bars, the ends in the shape of forks. While we may have our concerns about this type of diving, we must admit that it was an unforgettable experience.
description :
Close to the previous site, but at a depth of 20 metres, the same scenario. Fifteen or so sharks, most of them bull sharks, some of them as large as 3.5 meters, form a broom in the area where large chunks of fish are distributed. Some are approaching the divers from behind in an alarming manner. Two divemasters armed with metal bars are ready to chase them away. A few meters higher, a cloud of damselfish enjoy the remains of this feast.
description :
At the far end of the lagoon, on a sandy bottom, six rocky peaks rise from 19 to 3 meters. Each one is well endowed with multicolored corals. Several spectacular passages between the peaks, some lined with large gorgonians. Little fish on the bottom, but much better from 7 meters. We saw 2 white-tip sharks.
description :
Continuing from Side Street, on the same reef, half a dozen rocky peaks richly endowed with gorgonians, some with cavities that shelter a multitude of juveniles. Sometimes the peaks are so close together that the corals are forming a barrier between them. The fauna is more present from 8 to 3 meters. We saw a white-tip shark.