2003 Spring

2005 Summer & Autumn
2005 Spring
2004 Summer
2003-04 Dec-Jan
2003 Autumn
2003 Summer
2003 June
2003 Spring
2003 Winter
2002 December
2002 November
2002 Summer
2002 April
2002 March
2002 Feb


Kawagoe party (03/06/08)

Leaving Tokyo... at least I did not go too far, since so many friends could join the party (although some of them had to leave very early to go back to the civilisation)...

So now have you learned how to open a bottle of champagne, Rieko?

Masaki is better surrounded here that in the lab!

Yuki-san, enjoying your last hours as a single woman??


TITech people...




Hanami in Ueno (03/05/08)

Again, this year, we decided to enjoy hanami in Ueno park... along with a large number of Japanese! We perhaps should try another place for next year. Unfortunately, many of the persons present this year won't be in Japan in 2004. But I definitely will, and therefore you will be able to find more pictures on this web site...

And our folks... as usually from all around the world, with this year special visitors from France... and Switzerland ;)


By the way, that's how the park is looking after just one evening...