あそび すぎ は いい です ね。
Salsa Lesson (01/12/30)

A nice way to spend the Sunday evening...

But I think I better forget the end of this evening... I
prefer not to put the next pictures, taken by Hassen!
And the following day, I had to take a plane for Switzerland!
Sake Tasting (01/12/29)

At that time, we hadn't find the wine bars...
Mikami's Christmas Party (01/12/24)

I think that that day, I decided I really would stay longer in
Japan... A great Christmas Evening, at my sensei's home. Everything was just

We of course had the traditional picture sessions, but
surprisingly, mainly the gaijins were using their cameras! Mikami-sensei however
agreed to try mine...

Jim, could you use it finally?
Tip : do not send pictures too early in the morning to your
boss, when you are still very "tired"
Yoko & Jeff's Christmas Party (01/12/22)

This day, I decided that life in Japan will be more enjoyable
than anywhere so far! Foie-gras & Gewürst...

Question : "What do you eat when invited by a
japanese-american couple?". Answer : "The best cheese fondue"...

Definitely, everybody enjoyed!

And of course, a European breakfast... the next day!
TIT Intl House 3J Party (01/12/17)

Everything started with this melon! Thanks Lukas for bringing
it! As Jeff would say, "fruits in Japan are very expensive, but they are so
Tonkatsu Dinner (01/11/22)

Restaurant in Omote-sando.
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