あそび すぎ は いい です ね。
 | Jeffrey and Yoko's Party (02/03/30)
Finally, Jeff and Yoko's parties are always the same!
There, we will have great food : 
Excellent wines :

And enjoy good company :
 | Hanami in Ueno Park (02/03/28)
Here we go, the most important party of the year! Hanami in
Ueno Park...
First, let's visit the park in the morning to find a good

In fact, it's really crowded! Wonder why those persons are not
at work...
But finally, we manage to find a good place. And since we have
enough to drink...

Rest of the pictures...

 | Okonomiyaki restaurant (02/03/23)
First dinner of Joanna and Tom in Japan...

We perhaps drank too much...

Yes, definitively!

And after the dinner, we just went to an isakaya for some more

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