Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao are located off Venezuela. Curacao belongs to the Netherlands Antilles, a self-governing part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. This island (155' 000 inhabitants, capital Willemstad) is the most crowded of the three islands and has the largest harbor in the Caribbean. Curacao lies outside the hurricane belt.
Travel facts
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
best period |
acceptable period |
not recommend |
Diving type

easily accessible

bargain destination
Diving level & type

for beginners

for advanced divers

shore diving

Diving Characteristics


lots of fish

lots of corals

interesting underwater scenery
Other activities

attractive natural spots


night life


Diving Sites
Cap Sainte-Marie
rating : 3.0
depth : 30 m
visibility : 20 m
description :
Shore diving, in front of the Captain Don's Habitat. This site can be reached by following a rope fixed to the hotel. Excellent site, saw an enormous green moray and a sea snake. Some jellyfish can make the return unpleasant.
Cornelis Bay (Sea Aquarium)
rating : 3.0
description :
A beautiful diving site, despite the very strong current. Saw 2 large barracudas, a lot of squids and sea-urchin, and many fish between 5 and 10 meters.
Scuba Lodge Shore Dive
rating : 3.0
description :
Access to the site and exit from the water difficult, and many wasts materials are seen around (tires, bottles, ...). Even though, some nice corals and a relative large number of fish.
Broken Ship
rating : 2.0
type of diving : wreck
depth : 20 m
description :
Wreck located in a wild and abrupt relief. Moray and turtle.
rating : 1.0
depth : 20 m
visibility : less than 10 m
description :
In front of the Lion's hotel. You will need to move away from this same hotel for about 20 minutes before the diving becomes a little interesting... Bad visibility, but at least we saw a barracuda and some squid.
description :
A real disaster! Very strong current, not a single barracuda, no fish... Worth nothing.
very complete general information (geography, history, hotels, restaurants, sports, night life, etc.), maps and pictures
other diving sites are also described with pictures and with information on hotels.
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